

注)公開用シラバス情報となります。在学生の方は、「UNIVERSAL PASSPORT」で詳細をご確認下さい。

科目名 英語3(English3)
担当教員名 メリー キャサリン ヨネザワ
配当学年 2 開講期 前期
必修・選択区分 選択 単位数 2
履修上の注意または履修条件 Sophomore or above   
受講心得 Classes are interactive and there is an emphasis on oral communication and conversation. All students are expected to actively participate in all class activities, complete written homework assignments, attend every class and arrive on time.    
教科書 English Firsthand I Gold Edition   
オフィスアワー by appointment   
授業の目的 In this course, students will develop their communication skills and gain confidence expressing themselves effectively in English. Through extensive practice in listening and speaking, students will be given many opportunities to strengthen their communicative competence.    
授業の概要 see above   
授業計画 学習内容 学習課題(予習・復習)
○Week 1:
Course Introduction and Expectations- Text Unit Zero. Learning strategies-Get to know classmates and instructor

○Week 2Text Unit 1- Meeting People and Introducing Yourself- Greeting people, introducing yourself, asking for and giving personal information

○Week 3: Text Unit 1- Meeting People and Introducing Yourself- Greeting people, introducing yourself, asking for and giving personal information

○Week 4:Text Unit 2- Describing Others and Family- Describing people's appearance, personality, and describing relationships

○Week 5:Text Unit 2- Describing Others and Family- Describing people's appearance, personality, and describing relationships

○Week 6: Text Unit 3- Daily Activities, Schedules and Routines- Talking about Routines and Plans

○Week 7:Text Unit 3- Daily Activities. Schedules and Routines- Talking about Routines and Plans

○Week 8:Midterm Exam

○Week 9: Text Unit 4- Locations and Home- Describing locations, descrbing rooms and objects

○Week10:Text Unit 4- Locations and Home- Describing locations, descrbing rooms and objects

○Week11:Text Unit 5- Directions- Asking for and giving directions
Text Unit 5- Directions- Asking for and giving directions

○Week12:Text Unit 5- Directions- Asking for and giving directions
Text Unit 5- Directions- Asking for and giving directions

○Week13:Text Unit 6- What's Your Dream?- Talking about future plans, predictions and possibilities

○Week14:Text Unit 6- What's Your Dream?- Talking about future plans, predictions and possibilities

○Week15:Text-Review Unit1-Review and practice
Final Exam

○Week16:Final Exam
Week1:Review, Worksheet, Preparation for next week's class

Week2:Review, Worksheet, Preparation for next week's class

Week3:Review, Worksheet, Preparation for next week's class

Week4:Review, Worksheet, Preparation for next week's class

Week5:Review, Worksheet, Preparation for next week's class

Week6:Review, Worksheet, Preparation for next week's class

Week7:Study for Test

Week8:Review, Worksheet, Preparation for next week's class

Week9:Review, Worksheet, Preparation for next week's class

Week10:Review, Worksheet, Preparation for next week's class

Week11:Review, Worksheet, Preparation for next week's class

Week12:Review, Worksheet, Preparation for next week's class

Week13:Review, Worksheet, Preparation for next week's class

Week14:Review, Worksheet, Preparation for next week's class

Week15:Prepare for Final Exam
授業の運営方法 please refer to syllabus above
評価方法 評価の割合 評価の実施方法と注意点
試験 40 Midterm Exam: Lessons 1-3 (20% of grade) ; Final Exam: Lessons 1-6 (20% of grade)      
その他 class participation: 50 Homework: 10
Participation: arrive on time, and take part in all class activities; Homework: carefully completed and turned in at the beginning of class      
合計 100